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Freitag, 15.09.2023
20:00 Uhr
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English Theatre Leipzig & NSL present: New Voices

in engl. Sprache

Three stories. Three worlds on a stage. Our latest project New Voices brings to you three original short plays, each revolving around the theme “connections” in many different ways through unique storylines.

Join us for an exciting evening of theatre! Premiere on 7th September 2023.

What I learned from my time in the fridge, written and directed by Sam Kioni Roberts
Alex Wilde has recently got a bit more famous than your average person. After deciding to spend a long period of time in a fridge with the door closed, the time has now come to share that experience with the world via a TED Talk. It’s amazing who they’ll let stand on a stage and talk at you for a while these days... but you might be surprised at what kind of skeletons there are in Alex’s closet, or at least what is really being kept in the fridge. This ersatz show about change, fear of the unknown and »out-of-the-fridge« thinking presents an experience that is in equal measure funny and discomforting. Join Alex as they take you on a journey through the circumstances that led them to climb into the fridge, and how the experience of being inside transformed them in ways they couldn’t have possibly expected.

Morningstar, written and directed by Nerius
Scratch has a problem. Alongside the usual crippling pressures of being the Devil, tempter of souls, they appear to have inconveniently fallen in love with the human race. On top of everything else, their love being unreciprocated for Millennia has also brought them to the brink of madness. It’s okay, though, because they have a genius plan that is guaranteed to take care of everything...sort of. Morningstar is a darkly comedic one-person play in which audiences - as representatives of humanity - get to experience Scratch’s schemes, seduction, and spiral into madness first-hand.

Echolalia, written and directed by Josiane Segar and Sebastian Geiger

You’ve built up a world together that makes sense and it’s uniquely yours. You understand each other better than anyone else in the world. When you moved in together, you had the exact same taste in furniture. They support all your dreams and tolerate your under-the-sheet farts. They’re your soulmate… Except you hate them. They forgot to bring home the milk even though you asked twice. The secret language you’ve built up together is becoming lost in translation. Their words filter through your traumas, your desires and your best kept secrets. The world you’ve built up together, it’s uniquely flawed.

Abendkassenpreis: 16.- € / 12.-€ erm.

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